Saturday, August 20, 2016

When I Reflect about My Collegial, Professional Learning Community

As a educator, parent and teacher, I wanted  to be a part of the world that wanted  to help young children.  I want to be a part of the society that helps others become a much bigger part of the picture. Because of that, I need the expertise of my collegial, professional learning community. Each and every one of us has something to contribute to the early childhood system. The online community has been a great support, the online feedback from professor provided me with the opportunity to grown and see where improvement was needed.

During this online experience, I learned about feedback, support and cooperation which as needed to be successful and to meet the needs of the group. All my of online colleagues supported me the feedback and encouragement. The professor was timely and helpful and answered all questions. Everyone was treated with respect, and everyone's opinion was a part of the learning community. Another thing that stood out to me was how efficient the professor answered your concerns or comments to your.

Professional Collaboration is a great resource, I have gained resources and people that I can collaborate with after the online course is complete. This course was a great experience as well as a learning tool. I look forward to the next journey. My goal is to use the knowledge gained in this course in my advocacy and outreach work in Head Start.


  1. Head Start is very lucky to have you as a part of their family!

    It would be great if Walden had an alumni directory for each major. Then we would have contacts around the country who are working on similar career goals. The Walden ECE resource system! :-)

  2. That is a good idea Dianna, I would also like that.

    You are so correct, we were very supported in our courses from Instructors, and colleagues. I appreciate my learning and reflection time here at Walden, and I feel inspired and ready to go out and take care of some kids.
    Stay inspired and keep a heart for children.
    Your colleague,

  3. I think your reflection illustrates the many things I also discovered about this online learning community. I was quite skeptical and unsure about the idea of dialogue and discussion online when I first started this program and I have been pleasantly surprised by how valuable and inspiring it has been for me. Thank you for all the time and effort you have put in to your work as it has helped me to grow in my abilities and understanding!

  4. Arthurine,
    You bring up some great points when it comes to this online community. I have learned that having the support and feedback from the professors and peers is extremely important to our learning community. I wish you the best as we continue this journey.

  5. Authrine, I agree with your point regarding collaboration. I have also gained resources and people that I can collaborate with after the online course is complete. This course was a great experience as well as a learning tool. I look forward to the next journey. My goal is to use the knowledge gained in this course in my advocacy and outreach work as a Technical Assistant Coordinator.
